20.109(S18):Confirm ligand binding using differential scanning fluorimetry assay (Day6)

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20.109(S18): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Spring 2018 schedule        FYI        Assignments        Homework        Class data        Communication
       1. Assessing ligand binding        2. Measuring gene expression        3. Engineering biomaterials              



Part 1: BE Communication Lab workshop

Our communication instructors, Dr. Sean Clarke and Dr. Prerna Bhargava, will join us today for a workshop on writing impactful abstracts and titles.

Part 2: Prepare samples for DSF assay

As in the previous laboratory session, you will prepare master mixes for the conditions you will test. Because the master mixes for the DSF assay are more complicated, the below chart will assist you in completing the required calculations.

Reagent (stock concentration) Final concentration of stock reagent in reaction Volume of stock reagent in reaction
FKBP12 (1 mg/mL) 1.2 μg/mL
DMSO (1%) 0.2%
rapamycin (50 μM) 10 μM
ligand (200 μM) 40 μM
dye (5X) 1X
PBS (1X) add for a total of 10 μL reaction dependent upon master mix
  1. Perform the necessary calculations to complete the above chart for a total reaction volume of 10 μL.
    • Confirm your values with the teaching faculty before proceeding.
  2. Each team will setup triplicate reactions for 5 (?) different conditions:
    • Condition 1: control protein (?)
    • Condition 2: control protein AND control substrate (?)
    • Condition 3: no protein
    • Condition 4: FKBP12
    • Condition 5: FKBP12 AND rapamycin
    • Condition 6: FKBP12 AND ligand #1
    • Condition 7: FKBP12 AND ligand #2
  3. Generate a chart (or list) that details what reagents will be in each master mix for the the conditions listed above.
    • Include the volume of each reagent (for a final volume of 3.25 the reaction volume).
    • Again, confirm your values with the teaching faculty before proceeding.
  4. Obtain the appropriate aliquots from the front laboratory bench.
  5. Use the values calculated in Step #3 to prepare your master mixes in labeled 1.5 mL centrifuge tubes.
    • You will add all reagents except FKBP12 protein,

Part 3: Examine binding shifts


  • FKBP12, Abcam
  • DSF dye, Thermo Fischer
  • ligands, Chembridge

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Next day: Complete data analysis

Previous day: Test protein activity using peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase assay