20.109(S20):Examine qPCR results and complete data analysis (Day8)

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20.109(S20): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Spring 2020 schedule        FYI        Assignments        Homework        Class data        Communication
       1. Screening ligand binding        2. Measuring gene expression        3. Engineering antibodies              


Throughout Module 2 you have used two datasets to study the effect of etoposide treatment on cancer cell lines (DLD-1 and A549). In the previous exercises you examined gene expression in each cell line. Today you will use the skills learned to compare gene expression across DLD-1 and A549.

As an introduction to how you will discuss and interpret the data in your Research article, let's work though the below figure:

Heatmap comparing the Fisher's statistic of the top 100 significantly enriched GO terms across the DLD-1 and A549 datasets.

In this figure, the DLD-1 (left column) and A549 (right column) datasets were compared and the top 100 GO terms that contained significantly enriched terms were identified. This is different from the figures you generated in the previous exercises as these data are not specific to up or down-regulated genes, rather the overall change across the genes within the GO term was considered. Now that we understand the scope of the data, let's look closer at the specific information provided in the figure.


Part 1: Analyze RNA-seq data

Today you will complete your analysis of the RNA-seq data sets!

Complete Exercise #4 developed by Amanda Kedaigle, Anne Shen & Prof. Ernest Fraenkel. In this exercise, compare the RNA-seq results for DLD-1 and A549 to identify similarities and / or differences in gene expression that exist when cells are treated with etoposide.

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Next day: Enrich candidate clones using fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS)

Previous day: Review qPCR experiment and complete statistical analysis