20.109(F21):Organize Research article data figures and outline text

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20.109(F21): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering
Drawing provided by Marissa A., 20.109 student in Sp21 term.  Schematic generated using BioRender.

Fall 2021 schedule        FYI        Assignments        Homework        Class data        Communication        Accessibility

       Module 1: Genomic instability                          Module 2: Drug discovery       

Organize figures and outline results text

The goal for today is to focus on how you will communicate the results you are gathering and analyzing in the Research article.

Currently, you have partial drafts and outlines for each of the sections (with Instructor feedback!) that will be included in the Research article. Today you will organize and write a detailed outline for the data that you collected for this module.

To get started on this process, complete the following:

  1. Make a list of all of the schematics / data figures / tables that will be included.
  2. Organize the figures such that the data tell a coherent story that answers your research question.
  3. Complete the following steps for each figure:
    • Write a conclusive figure title that relays the main take-home message for the data shown.
    • Write a results subsection title that mimics the figure title.
    • Write the text that will be included in the results subsection using the prompts included in the Results section of Research article page.