Assignment 9, Part 1: Analyze two-color yeast images

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  1. Download the twoColorYeastTest.mat data. This is an example of the data you will be collecting in assignment 10 with an 8 minute oscillation period.
  2. In MATLAB, display the contents of the structure in this data file:
    twoColorYeastTest = 
      struct with fields:
                             Movie: [544×728×2×16 double]
                              Time: [16×2 double]
            ValveOscillationPeriod: 480
         BlueCameraGainAndExposure: [5 5000000]
        GreenCameraGainAndExposure: [15 5000000]
                        ValveState: [16×1 logical]
  3. The data structure contains all the important information from the experiment:
    • A two-color movie. (Notice that twoColorYeastTest.Movie has already converted to a double, but it is not yet normalized by 4095. )
    • The time stamp of each frame recorded, in seconds since the start of the experiment. Column 1 contains the timestamps of the Blue images, column 2 is for the green images.
    • The oscillation valve period, in seconds.
    • The blue and green image camera settings in the format [gain, exposure], where exposure is in microseconds.
    • The valve state (0 for low salt, 1 for high salt) at the time of each image. If you need to know the valve state more precisely, it can be calculated with the following conditional statement: $ sin(2 \pi t/T) \ge 0 $, where T is the valve oscillation period, and t is the time since the start of the experiment (this is how the state is determined in the software).

The movie has 4 dimensions, the first two representing the image size, as usual, the fourth representing the color (1 = Blue, 2 = Green), the fifth being the frame number.