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20.109(S21): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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       M1: Antibody engineering        M2: Drug discovery        M3: Protein engineering       

Introduction:Purify and sequence clone plasmids

Today you will submit plasmids for sequencing analysis to determine the sequence differences between these clones and our characterized lysozyme binding scFv clone. These newly isolated plasmids encode for unique single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) clones that may show improved binding to our antigen, lysozyme.

Schematic of alkaline lysis: Blue DNA genomic and red DNA plasmid. Image by Qiagen
To harvest plasmid DNA from the yeast cells we will be using a kit that is based off the common E. coli plasmid purification method called alkaline lysis. For yeast there needs to be one additional step to help break down the cell wall, but overall goal of each prep is the same--to separate the plasmid DNA from the chromosomal DNA and cellular debris, allowing the plasmid DNA to be studied further. The key difference between plasmid DNA and chromosomal DNA is size and this difference is what is used to separate the two components.

In the plasmid DNA purification protocol, the media is removed from the cells by centrifugation. The cells are resuspended in an solution that contains Tris to buffer the cells and EDTA to bind divalent cations in the lipid bilayer, thereby weakening the cell envelope. An alkaline (basic) lysis buffer is added that contains sodium hydroxide and the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The base denatures the cell’s DNA, both chromosomal and plasmid, while the detergent dissolves the cellular proteins and lipids. The pH of the solution is returned to neutral by adding a mixture of acetic acid and potassium acetate. At neutral pH the SDS precipitates from solution, carrying with it the dissolved proteins and lipids. The DNA strands renature at neutral pH. The chromosomal DNA, which is much longer than the plasmid DNA, renatures as a tangle that gets trapped in the SDS precipitate. The smaller plasmid DNA renatures normally and stays in solution, effectively separating plasmid DNA from the chromosomal DNA and the proteins and lipids of the cell. At this point the solution is spun at a high speed and soluble fraction, including the plasmid, is kept for further purification and the insoluble fraction, the macromolecules and chromosomal DNA is pelleted and thrown away.


Part 1: Harvest plasmid (Miniprep) from E. coli

Motivation: To analyze and further use the plasmids containing unique scFv genes, the DNA must be harvested from E. coli.

Since the last lab session, the transformed E. coli bacteria grew on LB agar plated with ampicillin antibiotic selection overnight at 37°C. Only bacteria that took up plasmid with an ampicillin selection marker during the heat shock were able to grow, the non-transformants died. The next day visible colonies were picked off the LB+amp plates and grown in LB+amp liquid culture overnight. Growing the bacteria in liquid culture allows one to easily harvest plasmid from a high number of cells. Note: The procedure for DNA isolation at this scale (1-2mL) is commonly termed "mini-prep," which distinguishes it from a “maxi-prep” that involves a larger volume (100mL) of cells and additional steps of purification.

  1. Pick up your two cultures, which are growing in test tubes labeled with your team color. Label two 1.5mL tubes to reflect your samples (scFv_clone#1 and #2).
  2. Vortex the bacteria and pour ~1.5 mL of each candidate into a 1.5mL tube.
  3. Balance the tubes in the microfuge, spin them at maximum speed for 2 min, and remove the supernatants with the vacuum aspirator.
    Diagram showing how to aspirate the supernatant. Be careful to remove as few cells as possible.
  4. Resuspend each cell pellet in 250 μL buffer P1.
    • Buffer P1 contains RNase so that we collect only our nucleic acid of interest, DNA.
  5. Add 250 μL of buffer P2 to each tube, and mix by inversion until the suspension is homogeneous. About 4-6 inversions of the tube should suffice. You may incubate here for up to 5 minutes, but not more.
    • Buffer P2 contains sodium hydroxide and SDS for alkaline lysis.
  6. Add 350 μL buffer N3 to each tube, and mix immediately by inversion (4-10 times).
    • Buffer N3 contains acetic acid which neutralizes the pH. The plasmid DNA renatures while chromosomal DNA / proteins / lipids precipitate into visible white aggregates.
  7. Centrifuge for 10 minutes at maximum speed. Note that you will be saving the supernatant after this step.
    • Meanwhile, prepare 2 labeled QIAprep columns, one for each candidate clone. You must add the label directly to the blue column and not the clear tube.
  8. Transfer the entire supernatant to the column and centrifuge for 1 min. Discard the eluant into a tube labeled 'Qiagen waste'.
  9. Add 0.5 mL PB to each column, then spin for 1 min and discard the eluant into the Qiagen waste.
  10. Next wash with 0.75 mL PE, with a 1 min spin step as usual. Discard the ethanol in the Qiagen waste.
  11. After removing the PE, spin the mostly dry column for 1 more minute.
    • It is important to remove all traces of ethanol, as they may interfere with subsequent work with the DNA.
  12. Transfer each column insert (blue) to a 1.5mL tube with the lid cut off.
    • Use the scissors in your drawer to cut the lids off two tubes.
  13. Add 30 μL of distilled H2O pH ~8 to the top center of the column, wait 1 min, and then spin 1 min to elute your DNA.
  14. Cap the trimmed tube or transfer elution to new 1.5mL tube.
  15. You will now take your samples to the Nanodrop to measure the DNA's absorbance to quantify the concentration.

In your laboratory notebook, complete the following:

Part 2: Sequencing scFv clones

Motivation: To determine the changes to the scFv DNA sequence that resulted in improved binding the plasmid DNA sequence is submitted for Sanger sequencing.

Just as PCR amplification reactions require a primer for initiation, primers are also needed for sequencing reactions. Distinguishable sequence readout typically begins about 40-50 bases downstream of the primer binding site, and continues for ~1000 bases at most. Thus, usually forward and reverse primers must be used to fully view genes > 1 kb in size. The target sequence for your scFv is shorter than 1000 bp, but we will sequence with both a forward and reverse primer to double-check that we have an accurate representation of the clone sequence.

The primers you will use today are below:

Primer Sequence
scFv forward primer 5' - GTTCCAGACTACGCTCTGCAGG- 3'
scFv reverse primer 5' - GATTTTGTTACATCTACACTGTTG- 3'

Open the Sequence file for clone Lyso_scFv_6 and record the features identified by SnapGene in your laboratory notebook. If you need to review basic tools in SnapGene remember our exercise on [M1D1].

In addition to the common features, note the sequence with the following features specific to your experiment:

  • sequence that encompasses variable regions
  • sequences to which the scFv forward and reverse primers anneal

The recommended composition of sequencing reactions is ~800 ng of plasmid DNA and 25 pmoles of one sequencing primer in a final volume of 15 μL. The miniprep'd plasmid should have ~200 ng of nucleic acid/μL, so we will estimate the amount appropriate for our reactions.

Because you will examine the sequence of your potential plasmids using both a forward and a reverse primer, you will need to prepare two reactions for each clone. Thus you will have a total of four sequencing reactions. For each reaction, combine the following reagents directly in the appropriate tube within the PCR-tube strip, as noted in the table below:

  1. 6 μL nuclease-free water
  2. 4 μL of your plasmid DNA candidate
  3. 5 μL of the primer stock on the teaching bench (the stock concentration is 5 pmol/μL)
    • Please add the forward primer to the odd numbered tubes and the reverse primer to the even numbered tubes (i.e. tube #1 contains scFv#1 plasmid DNA and forward primer, tube #2 contains scFv#1 plasmid DNA and reverse primer, etc).

The side of each tube is numerically labeled and you should use only the four tubes assigned to your group. The teaching faculty submit the samples to the Genewiz company via the drop-off box for sequencing.

In your laboratory notebook, complete the following:


  • Chemically competent E. coli NEB5a (genotype: fhuA2 Δ(argF-lacZ)U169 phoA glnV44 Φ80 Δ(lacZ)M15 gyrA96 recA1 relA1 endA1 thi-1 hsdR17)
  • SOC medium: 2% tryptone, 0.5% yeast extract, 10 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM KCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 10 mM MgSO4, and 20 mM glucose
  • LB+Amp plates
    • Luria-Bertani (LB) broth: 1% tryptone, 0.5% yeast extract, and 1% NaCl
    • Plates prepared by adding 1.5% agar and 100 μg/mL ampicillin (Amp) to LB
  • QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (from Qiagen)
    • buffer P1
    • buffer P2
    • buffer N3
    • buffer PB
    • buffer PE

Reagents list

  • scFv sequencing primers (Genewiz)

Navigation links

Next day: Analyze clone sequences and choose clone to characterize
Previous day: Harvest clone plasmids from library

Homework due M1D5