Spring 11:Directed Evolution/Week of 5-09-2011 Status

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Week of 5/9/2011



  • GUI finished.
  • py-pvt-api modified to report exceptions correctly, and bind multiple cameras properly.
  • test capture code swapped out with real capture code.


  • Piezo motors swapped out for linear actuators.
  • Darkfield retooled
  • Instrument rearranged to make space for new stage, realigned.


Remade new batch of spectinomycin 50ug/uL plates after the last batch of 10ug/uL plates failed.

Plated Top10 cells to test for efficiency -- image is after ~36 hours of incubation. Left side is plain TB, right side is the new spect plate.

DE spectinomycin-test.jpg

Also attempted to pour some agar plugs which didn't work out very well.