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 function wikibodeplots
   % Customize plots
   bodeOptions = bodeoptions;
   bodeOptions.FreqUnits = 'Hz';
   bodeOptions.Title.FontSize = 11;
   bodeOptions.Title.FontWeight = 'Bold';
   bodeOptions.XLabel.FontSize = 10;
   bodeOptions.XLabel.FontWeight = 'Bold';
   bodeOptions.YLabel.FontSize = 10;
   bodeOptions.YLabel.FontWeight = 'Bold';
   % Setup transfer functions
   fCutOff = 1;
   omegaCutOff = 2*pi*fCutOff; % omega = 2 pi f
   fLowPass = 10;
   omegaLowPass = 2*pi*fLowPass;
   fHighPass = 0.1;
   omegaHighPass = 2*pi*fHighPass;
   hFirstOrder = tf (1, [1/omegaCutOff 1]);
   hSecondOrder = tf (1, [1/omegaCutOff^2 2/omegaCutOff 1]);
   hHighPass = tf ([1/omegaCutOff 0], [1/omegaCutOff 1]);
   hBandPass = tf ([1/omegaHighPass 0], ...
       [1/(omegaLowPass*omegaHighPass) 1/omegaLowPass+1/omegaHighPass 1]);
   % Bode plot of low pass
   bodeOptions.Title.String = '1st-order Low Pass Filter';
   bodeplot(hFirstOrder, bodeOptions);
   % Bode plot of high pass
   bodeOptions.Title.String = '1st-order High Pass Filter';
   bodeplot(hHighPass, bodeOptions);
   % Bode plot of 2nd-order low pass
   bodeOptions.Title.String = '2nd-order Low Pass Filter';
   bodeplot(hSecondOrder, bodeOptions);
   % Bode plot of band pass
   bodeOptions.Title.String = 'Band Pass Filter';
   bodeplot(hBandPass, bodeOptions);