Spring 2011:3D PSF lab

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Revision as of 17:39, 12 February 2011 by Gustavo Goretkin (Talk | contribs)

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20.309: Biological Instrumentation and Measurement

ImageBar 774.jpg


  • Measure the point spread function of the 20.309 fluorescence microscope
  • Examine the effect of NA, magnification, and optical corrections on PSF
  • Generate a dataset for deconvolution problem set

Materials and methods

Exercise left to the reader

Microscope at Station 5

Feb 11 2011 The microscope currently at station 5 is not finalized. Bright field images reveal the sample along with a ghost image of the sample due to some reflection. One possible reason is that the 200mm imaging lens is too far from the objective.

Feb 12 2011 The ghost reflections disappeared when decreasing the bright field illumination. The microscope exhibits some astigmatism apparent when entering and leaving a focal plane. It is most likely due to a dirty lens in the imaging path.


Pololu Stepper Motor Driver

ThorLabs DRV001 Stepper Motor Drive

ThorLabs NanoMax Stages