Impedance Analysis

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20.309: Biological Instrumentation and Measurement

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For analyzing the frequency response of circuits with various components, it is convenient to think of a generalized form of resistance, or opposition to current flow, known as impedance ($ Z $). Clearly, we know that a resistor's resistance to current flow is known by its resistance. Although capacitors and inductors don't technically have a "resistance" value, they do resist current flow in their own ways and we can call those their respective impedances. Thus, Ohm's law applies not only to resistances, but to impedances as well:

$ V = I Z $

where $ V $ is the voltage drop across the components of interest, $ I $ is the current, and $ Z $ is the impedance of those components.

The table below indicates the impedance values for different circuit elements. Here, $ j $ is the imaginary number and $ \omega $ is frequency in units of radians. Recall that $ \omega = 2 \pi f $, where $ f $ is frequency in units of Hz.



If interested, here is a short demonstration of how we can derive the impedances for the circuit elements listed above. Let's use the capacitor as an example. Since we are interested in transient (time varying) signals, we will let voltage $ V $ be a time varying signal $ Ae^{j \omega t} $. (If you need a refresher on complex numbers, click here.)

Since we know that $ I = C {dV\over dt} $, we can take the derivative of V and plug it in:
$ I = C A j \omega e^{j \omega t} $
With some reorganizing, we can see that $ I = j \omega C V $
To get it into the form $ V = I Z $,
$ Z = {1\over j \omega C} $

This impedance value follows what we already know about capacitors--that they act as an open circuit with a constant DC voltage (impedance approaches infinity when $ \omega = 0 $, also $ I=0 $ because $ {dV\over dt}=0 $). At very high frequencies, as $ \omega -> \infin $, the capacitor acts as a short circuit, like a wire without resistance.