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20.109(F22): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Fall 2022 schedule        FYI        Assignments        Homework        Class data        Communication        Accessibility

       M1: Genomic instability        M2: Drug discovery        M3: Project design       


Part 1: Discuss potential topics for Research proposal presentation

The final communication assignment you will complete for 20.109 is the Research proposal presentation. For this assignment you will work with your laboratory partner, or co-investigator, to develop a novel research project. The key to a successful project is identifying an interesting topic that can inform a research question / goal. To identify common interests between you and your co-investigator, discuss the topics that you identified in your homework assignment due today.

After you identify a common interest, perform a quick literature search to find recent papers in the field. Review 2-3 papers and discuss what is known, and more importantly, what is unknown about your topic.

Questions to guide your discussion:

  1. What is currently known and unknown about your topic?
  2. Is there a potentially solvable problem related to your topic?

In your laboratory notebook, complete the following:

  • What research topic will you pursue with your co-investigator?
  • Use the papers you reviewed to summarize what is known and what is unknown regarding your research topic.

Part 2: Draft research question / goal for Research proposal presentation

Now that you know what knowledge gap(s) exist(s) for your topic, consider how you might fill the void! Your research question / goal should focus on how you intend to advance what is known about your topic.

Questions to guide your discussion:

  1. What treatment / technology / product can be developed to 'solve' a problem related to your topic?
  2. How will you use biological engineering in your approach?

In your laboratory notebook, complete the following:

  • What research question / goal will you pursue within your topic?
  • What type of treatment / technology / product might you develop to achieve your research question / goal?

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Next day: Develop ideas for Research proposal presentation

Previous day: Placeholder