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20.109(F21): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering
Drawing provided by Marissa A., 20.109 student in Sp21 term.  Schematic generated using BioRender.

Fall 2021 schedule        FYI        Assignments        Homework        Class data        Communication        Accessibility

       Module 1: Genomic instability                          Module 2: Drug discovery       

Part 4: Participate in group paper discussion

We will finish today with a discussion concerning the following research article:

Weingeist, D. M., et al. "Single-cell microarray enables high-throughput evaulation of DNA double-strand breaks and DNA repair inhibitors." Cell Cycle. (2013) 126:907-915.

From the Introduction

Consider the key components of an introduction:

  • What is the big picture?
  • Is the importance of this research clear?
  • Are you provided with the information you need to understand the research?
  • Do the authors include a preview of the key results?

From the Results

Carefully examine the figures. First, read the captions and use the information to 'interpret' the data presented within the image. Second, read the text within the results section that describes the figure.

  • Do you agree with the conclusion(s) reached by the authors?
  • What controls were included and are they appropriate for the experiment performed?
  • Are you convinced that the data are accurate and/or representative?

From the Discussion

Consider the following components of a discussion:

  • Are the results summarized?
  • Did the authors 'tie' the data together into a cohesive and well-interpreted story?
  • Do the authors overreach when interpreting the data?
  • Are the data linked back to the big picture from the introduction?

In your laboratory notebook, complete the following:

  • Based on your reading and the group discussion of the article, answer the questions above.

Navigation links

Next day: Image and analyze high-throughput genome damage assay

Previous day: Treat cells and perform high-throughput genome damage assay