20.109(S08): TA notes for module 1

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20.109(S08): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Home        People        Schedule Spring 2008        Assignments        Lab Basics        OWW Basics       
DNA Engineering        Protein Engineering        Biomaterials Engineering              

General notes

Daily Notes

Day 1

Materials required:

  1. PCR Master Mix (2.5X), ~ 50 μL per group
  2. DI water, prep 100 μL aliquot per group
  3. 5 μL aliquots each of pCX-EGFP, D32N-fwd, D32N-rev
  4. 2 PCR tubes per group

Keep everything cold!

Day of Lab:

  1. Lab orientation quiz (not a TA quiz) will be taken today.
  2. Remember to freeze PCR products when they are ready.