20.109(S14): Choose system conditions and paper discussion (Day3)

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20.109(S14): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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brief context

topic 1: restriction enzymes

topic 2: design considerations in a repair report assay


Part 1: Paper discussion

Coming soon!

Technical Background

Discussion Topics

  • How does this abstract style differ from the one you have previously encountered – and also explicitly been taught – in 20.109? How is it the same? What are the pros and cons of each format? As a whole, did the abstract make you want to read the paper?

Part 2: Reverse engineering pMax-BFP-MCS

Coming later!

Part 3: Choose system conditions

On today's Talk page...

For next time

digest planning and calculations in advance

Reagent list

Just your brains!

Navigation Links

Next Day: Complete Western and prepare damaged DNA

Previous Day: Begin Western protein analysis