DNA Melting Report Requirements

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20.309: Biological Instrumentation and Measurement

ImageBar 774.jpg


  • One group member must submit a single PDF file no larger than 20 MB to Stellar before the deadline.
  • The name of the submitted file must consist of the last name of each group member separated by underscores: <LastName1>_<LastName2>_<LastName2>.pdf
  • Include computer code in an appendix at the end of the file. Do not submit code separately.
  • Present data properly. Follow the 20.309:Lab Report Guidelines. Include a descriptive title, axis labels, and legend on all plots.
  • Begin the report with a cover page that lists the full names of group members, your assigned DNA sample number, the type of investigation (length/ionic strength/complementarity), and a haiku about DNA melting curves.

Failure to follow the format guidelines will result in ridiculously large grade penalties

Report outline

  1. Abstract:
    • In one paragraph of less than six sentences, summarize the investigation you undertook and key results.
  2. Raw data
    • Plot all of your group's raw data, fluorescence vs. block temperature, on the smallest number of axes that clearly convey the dataset. Include only datasets generated by your own group.
    • On similary-grouped sets of axes, plot ΔdsDNA fraction/Δtemperature versus temperature. Filter high-noise outliers in the derivative where appropriate.
  3. Model parameters
    • Develop a model for the melting experiment and use nonlinear regression to determine best-fit parameters.
    • Explain the model parameters using bullet points.
    • Include a table of the best-fit model parameters and confidence intervals for each experimental run.
    • Use the smallest possible number of plots to show $ V_{f,measured} $ and $ V_{f,model} $
    • Plot one of the following for at least one experimental run:
      • residuals versus time, temperature, and fluorescence, (example plot: [1]) or
      • use best-fit parameters and the inverse of your model function to transform the fluorescence voltage into dsDNA fraction versus sample temperature (example plot: [2]). Plot $ \text{DnaFraction}_{inverse-model} $ on the same set of axes with DnaFraction model data using the best-fit values of ΔH and ΔS. Also include a simulated dsDNA fraction versus temperature curve obtained from DINAmelt or another melting curve simulator.
    • Comment on strengths and shortcomings of the model.
      • Discuss the validity of underlying assumptions.
      • Discuss the residuals (or transformed data) plot and parameter confidence intervals.
  4. Unknown sample determination:
    • Plot results for your unknown sample, including those from your other samples for comparison.
    • Identify your unknown sample and state your level of confidence in the answer.
      • Confidence is quantitative.
  5. Results and discussion
    • Include a table of estimated thermodynamic parameters, ΔH, ΔS, and Tm. Use multiple methods to find Tm.
    • Compare your data to results from other groups or instructor data.
    • Discuss significant error sources.
      • Indicate whether each source likely caused a systematic or random distortion in the data.
      • Consider the entire system: the oligos, dye, the experimental method, and analysis methodology, and any other relevant factors.
      • Present error sources in a table, if you like.
  6. Analysis
    • Use bullet points to explain your data analysis methodology.
  7. Instrument documentation
    • Document the electronic and optical systems.
      • Include component values, gain values, cutoff frequencies, lens focal lengths, and relevant distances.
      • It is not necessary to document construction details.
    • Why not include a nice snapshot or two of the instrument?
    • Include your signal to noise results
    • Give a bullet point summary of major changes that you made to your instrument design between the end of Part 1 and the end of Part 2 to address problems in the lab.
      • What were those problems and how well did each change address it?

Lab manual sections