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(Part 3: Prepare γH2AX results for Data summary)
(Part 3: Prepare γH2AX results for Data summary)
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#*You and your laboratory partner drafted an experimental schematic as a team and you each drafted a data figure individually for the γH2AX data.  
#*You and your laboratory partner drafted an experimental schematic as a team and you each drafted a data figure individually for the γH2AX data.  
#Create a powerpoint slide (in portrait and sized appropriately) with the experimental schematic and data figure presented as Panel A and Panel B, respectively.
#Create a powerpoint slide (in portrait and sized appropriately) with the experimental schematic and data figure presented as Panel A and Panel B, respectively.
#<font color =  #4a9152 >'''In your laboratory notebook,'''</font color> list the edits that need to be incorporated into the figures from the homework feedback provided by the teaching team.
#Revise your figures to incorporate the feedback from the homework feedback provided by the teaching team.
#*Are the labels legible?
#craft title from homework assignments of partners
#*Are the figures too large?  Too small?
#*is title conclusive message about what was discovered?
#*Are panel labels included?
#*omit methods details and excess wordiness
#*Omit secondary titles from the individual panels and excess visual noise.
#craft caption from homework assignments of partners...this information is relevant to data figure, write intro sentence and text for experimental schematic
#Write a title for your figure using the homework submitted by each partner and the feedback from the teaching team.
#*intro sentence introduces what was done
#*Is the figure title a conclusive statement about what the data show?
#*write caption text for (A)
#*Omit methods details and excess wordiness.
#Revise the caption text for Panel B of your figure using the homework submitted by each partner and the feedback from the teaching team.
#what clarifications does the reader need to fully understand your workflow?
#*Are all abbreviations and acronyms defined?
#**are unlabeled symbols defined?
#*Is the labeling (i.e. notations for statistics) defined?
#**are abbreviations defined?
#*Omit minor technical details and interpretations of the results.
#**are the steps briefly described such that the purpose of each step is clear?
#Draft the caption text for Panel A of your figure.
#**is it clear how the steps are connection / related to the goal of the experiment?
#*Are all abbreviations and acronyms defined?
#*Are all symbols defined?
#*Is each step briefly described and are the steps connected such that the workflow is clear?
#*previous caption is (B)...from homework what edits are needed in laboratory notebook
#*Omit minor technical details and in-depth descriptions of the steps.
#Write an introductory sentence for the caption.  This sentence will be the first line of the caption and provides context for what was done / how the data were generated for the figure.  The introductory sentence should be relevant to all of the panels in the figure.
#Write the results and interpretations section in bullet points using the prompts in the template above.
#include header for results & interpretation section
#*Is there a header that provides a conclusive message about the main finding(s) from the experiment?
#*Are the bullets concise, but coherent statements?
#write bullets using prompts
#*Omit technical details and excess wordiness.
==Reagents list==
==Reagents list==

Revision as of 14:46, 22 June 2024

20.109(F24): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

Fa24 banner image.png

Fall 2024 schedule        FYI        Assignments        Homework        Class data        Communication        Accessibility

       M1: Genomic integrity        M2: Protein engineering        M3: Project design       


For the next experiment in this module you will use the CometChip assay developed in the Engelward Laboratory. The CometChip assay is used to assess various types of DNA lesions, including base excisions, abasic sites, strand breaks, and crosslinks.

Microscopy images showing results from CometChip assay. A. In the CometChip assay DNA damage is measured by determining the amount of DNA in the head versus the tail of the comet. B. Cells not treated with DNA damaging agent (left) have visibly less DNA damage that cells treated with DNA damaging agent (right) as evidenced by the amount of DNA in the tail.
To measure DNA damage, the CometChip assay relies on gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate molecules by size using an applied electrical field and a sieving matrix. DNA, RNA and proteins are often studied with this technique; agarose and acrylamide gels are the two most common sieves. The molecules to be separated enter the matrix through a well at one end and are pulled through the matrix when a current is applied. Because DNA and RNA are negatively charged molecules due to their phosphate backbone, they naturally travel toward the positive charge at the far end of the gel. Larger molecules are entwined in the matrix and are stalled; smaller molecules wind through the matrix more easily and travel further from the well. Over time fragments of similar length accumulate into 'bands' in the gel. The CometChip assay is based upon the principle that damaged DNA travels more readily compared to undamaged DNA.

In the CometChip assay, cells are loaded into microwells that are 'stamped' onto an agarose gel sieving matrix. Specific treatments can then be applied to the cells within these microwells that induce DNA damage. The cells are then lysed to release the DNA into the microwell. Following cell lysis, the CometChip is incubated in an alkaline buffer that unwinds the DNA. This step allows for all types of DNA damage to be detected. Lastly, gel electrophoresis is used to separate the DNA fragments. DNA fragments migrate away from the microwell and generate a comet tail as shown in the image to the right (panel A). The distance that the DNA migrates (i.e. the length of the comet tail) is proportional to the amount of damage. For example, with cells not treated with a DNA damaging agent, there are no evident comet tails to the right of the microwell or 'head' (panel B, image on the left); however, in cells treated with a DNA damaging agent there are comet tails apparent (panel B, image on the right). Comet tail lengths can be compared across experimental treatments to determine the deleterious effects of chemicals and toxins on DNA stability. In addition, the CometChip assay can be used to study the rate and efficiency of repair in response to specific treatments.


Part 1: Participate in Communication Lab workshop

Our communication instructor, XYZ, will join us today for a discussion on writing figure titles and captions.

Part 2: Perform CometChip experiment

As with the γH2AX experiment, the MEF cells with be treated with H2O2 +/- As exposure. The treatments will be applied in two parts. First, cells will be incubated in As for 4 hrs to mimic exposure to the toxic metal. Second, the cells will be incubated in H2O2 for 20 min to induce DNA damage. Following treatment with H2O2 the cells will be visualized to assess DNA repair.

To ensure the steps included below are clear, please watch the video tutorial (linked here). The steps are detailed below so you can follow along! Please note that the video shows the general steps for completing an experiment using the CometChip assay. The specific procedure used to generate the data you will analyze are written below. Furthermore, the video shows two version of the CometChip assay: the alkaline and the neutral. In this module, the alkaline CometChip assay was used.

Expose cells to As
Due to the timing of the As treatment, the Instructors completed the below steps using MEF cells that were seeded in T25 flasks 48 hr prior to the laboratory session. Using the As treated cells you will complete the steps starting at #3.

  1. Aspirate spent media from flasks.
  2. Add 0 μM, 10 μM, or 40 μM As-containing media to the appropriate flask and incubate at 37 °C for 4 hours.
  3. Retrieve flasks from the incubator and remove As-containing media.
    • Remember to collect all As waste in the appropriate waste stream!
  4. Wash the cells by adding 3 mL PBS using a 5 mL pipet.
  5. Slightly tip the flasks back and forth to rinse the cells then aspirate the PBS with a Pasteur pipet.
  6. To dislodge the cells from the flasks, add 1 mL of trypsin to the flask with a 2 mL pipet.
  7. Tip the flasks in each direction to distribute the trypsin evenly then incubate the cells at 37 °C for 2 minutes.
  8. Retrieve your flasks from the incubator and firmly tap the bottom to dislodge the cells.
    • Check your cells using the microscope to ensure they are dislodged. They should appear round and move freely.
    • If your cells are not detached from the flask, incubate at 37 °C for an additional minute.
  9. When your cells are dislodged, move your flasks back into the tissue culture hood and add 3 mL of media to the cells then pipet the liquid up and down (“triturate”) to break up cells that are clumped together and suspend them in the liquid.
  10. Transfer the suspended cells from each flask into labeled 15 mL conical tubes.
    • Each suspension should be transferred into a separate conical tube!
  11. Aliquot 90 μL of each cell suspension from the 15 mL conical tube into a labeled eppendorf tubes.
  12. Add 10 μL of trypan blue to the aliquots and count the total number of cells in each of your flasks.
    • The total number of cells = the calculated value for cells per mL * the total volume of the cell suspension.
  13. To remove the media containing serum prior to H2O2 treatment, pellet the cell suspensions at 500 g for 3 min then carefully aspirate the media leaving just the cell pellet in the bottom of the conical tube.
    • Be very careful at this step as it is easy to aspirate the cells if the Pasteur pipet is too close to the pellet.
  14. Calculate and the appropriate volume of serum-free media to achieve a cell suspension density of 500,000 cells/mL for each of your As-treated cell preparations.

Load cells into CometChip

  1. Remove your CometChips from the 1x PBS and place, gelbond side down, on separate glass plates.
    Binder clip placement for CometChip sandwich.
    • You will load two CometChips in this step! The cells in one of the CometChips will be treated with H2O2 and the cells in the the other will be used as a no treatment control.
  2. Press a 96-well bottomless plate upside-down onto each CometChips.
    • Be sure to press the top of the 96-well bottomless plate onto the CometChip.
    • Do not move the 96-well bottomless plate while it is on the CometChip as you will damage the agarose and the microwells.
  3. Use the binder clips to secure the 96-well bottomless plate to the glass plate, thus creating a 'sandwich' with your CometChip in the center.
    • Fasten the binder clips to the very edge of 96-well bottomless plate as shown in the image to the right.
  4. Calculate the volume of cell suspension that contains 50,000 cells given the density of the cell suspension is 500,000 cells / mL.
  5. Add the appropriate volume of each cell suspension calculated in the previous step into each of the macrowells according to the plate map below (load cells into the grey color-coded macrowells).
    Fa22 cometchip plate map.png
  6. Cover the top of your CometChip with plastic wrap then incubate in the 37 °C incubator in the main laboratory for 15 min.
  7. After the incubation, complete a wash step to remove excess cells that are not within the microwells of your CometChip. Read all the bullets below before proceeding!
    • Carefully remove the binder clips and the 96-well bottomless plate.
    • With the CometChip on the glass plate, 'waterfall' ~5 mL of 1x PBS over the wells.
      • Hold the glass plate at a 45° angle over the dish that you used to store your CometChip.
      • Pipet up ~5 mL of 1x PBS.
      • Press the pipet tip onto the glass plate above your CometChip.
      • As you expel the 1x PBS, move the pipet tip from left-to-right.
      • The 1x PBS should pass over the top of the CometChip and fall into the dish.
    • Use a P200 tip attached to the pasteur pipet to aspirate the excess liquid from your CometChip wells.
      • Lightly touch the tip to the bottom of each imprinted well on the CometChip and immediately lift the tip from the agarose.
  8. Use the molten 1% low melting point (LMP) agarose is located in the 42 °C waterbath on the front laboratory bench to 'trap' the cells in your CometChip.
    • You will need to work quickly from this point as the LMP agarose will solidify as it cools.
  9. Using the P1000, pipet up 1000 μL of molten agarose from the bottle.
  10. Hold the pipet tip over the top left well of your CometChip and as you expel the agarose move the pipet tip from left to right. Ensure that each row of your CometChip gets covered.
    • The goal is to lightly cover the wells that contain cells, which will 'trap' the cells into the microwells.
    • If the LMP agar 'fell' off the CometChip in any areas during this process, it is important to 'fill in' those portions of the CometChip.
  11. Leave your CometChip undisturbed on the benchtop for 3 min then carefully move it to the 4 °C cooler for 5 min to ensure the LMP agarose solidifies.
  12. Cells loaded into your CometChip will cluster into microwells (see image below).
Microscopy image of loaded CometChip. (A) Bottom of macrowell showing evenly spaced microwells. (B) Close-up of empty microwell. (C) Close-up of microwell loaded with cells.

In your laboratory notebook, complete the following:

  • Include the calculations completed to determine the volume of cell suspension added to each macrowell for the CometChip assay.
    • The cell suspension is 500,000 cells / mL and 50,000 cells were added into each well.
  • Given the number of cells that were loaded into each macrowell, estimate the number of cells per microwell.
    • Consider the likelihood that every cell you add to the well will fall into a microwell.
    • Perhaps calculate the surface area of the bottom of a well (of diameter 6.35 mm) and compare this to the size of the cells (~10 μm).
    • Also, remember that within each macrowell there are ~ 300 microwells, which are ~40 μm in diameter and 40 μm in depth.

Treat cells with H2O2

  1. While the LMP agar is solidifying at 4 °C, prepare the 10 μM treatment concentration of H2O2 in serum-free media.
    • Prepare a total of 20 mL of H2O2 in serum-free media. Also take a separate 20ml aliquot of serum-free media to serve as a control.
    • The stock concentration of H2O2 is 100 mM.
    • Be sure to prepare with serum-free media as the diluent because the serum in media will inactivate H2O2!
  2. Retrieve your CometChips from the 4 °C and carefully transfer each into a separate container.
  3. Add 20 mL of either media or media + 10 μM H2O2 to the appropriate container containing one chip. Add the serum free media alone to a second container with the second chip.
  4. Incubate your CometChip on the benchtop for 20 minutes.
  5. Immediately transfer the CometChip to alkaline lysis buffer to stop the cellular response.
    • Pour the media down the sink.
    • Add 20ml of alkaline lysis buffer to each container.
  6. To ensure cell lysis is complete, incubate the CometChip macrowells in the 4 °C cooler for 24 hrs.

Electrophorese CometChip macrowells

Due to the timing of cell lysis, the teaching team will complete the below steps.

To ensure the steps required for preparing a CometChip are clear, the Instructor will provide a live demonstration of this process. The steps are detailed below so you can follow along!

  1. Remove your CometChip from the alkaline lysis buffer and wash in 1X PBS.
  2. Use a kimwipe to dry the GelBond side.
  3. Carefully move your CometChip to the gel electrophoresis station in the 4 °C cold room.
  4. Place your CometChip on the raised center region of an electrophoresis box.
    • Double-sided tape was applied to the gel electrophoresis box. Be sure you lay your CometChip on the tape strips and lightly press down with a pipet tip to ensure it is secure.
  5. Add enough of the alkaline electrophoresis buffer to the gel electrophoresis box to cover your CometChip.
  6. Leave the CometChip in the alkaline electrophoresis buffer (aka unwinding buffer) for 45 minutes.
  7. To separate the damaged DNA into 'comets', electrophorese for 40 min (at 16 V, or 1 V/cm).
    • It is important that the electrophoresis occur at 300 mA. To maintain the appropriate current, the volume of electrophoresis buffer may need to be adjusted. The teaching faculty will assist you in adding/removing electrophoresis buffer such that this value is reached.
  8. Carefully remove your CometChip from the electrophoresis box and place it in a dish.
  9. Obtain an aliquot of neutralization buffer from the front laboratory bench.
  10. Wash your CometChip by adding enough neutralization buffer to cover (~10-12 mL) and incubate for 5 min at room temperature.
    • Repeat this step for a total of 3 washes.
  11. Add the SYBR gold DNA stain to your CometChip and carefully move it to the 4 °C cooler.
    • Stain CometChip overnight.

Part 3: Prepare γH2AX results for Data summary

Fa16 M1D7 data slide template format v2.png
In the Data summary, your data and results for each experiment completed as part of Mod 1 will be outlined on a powerpoint slide following the format shown in the template to the right. To give you practice and feedback, the homework due at the start of our next laboratory session is a powerpoint slide with your γH2AX data and results. Work through the prompts below with your laboratory partner during the downtime today to get a headstart on this homework. Be sure to seek guidance from the teaching team if you have questions or get stuck!

You have already completed and received feedback for the figures that will be included on this slide of your Data summary. First, the experimental schematic for the γH2AX setup will used to provide the context for how the data were generated. Experimental schematics assist the reader by showing what was measured in an experiment. Second, the data figure for your γH2AX experiments will show the data that were collected. These figures will be presented as Panel A and Panel B, respectively. Though there are two panels, this is considered to be one figure and thus the title and caption should be relevant to both panels.

In addition to the figures, you will write text that describes the data and interprets the results. This text will be included as a detailed outline using bullet points. The information included as part of the bullet outline should describe what was expected and what was actually observed for all of the data shown in each figure panel. If controls are shown, the data should be compared to those controls to support the confidence in the data that were collected. After the data are described, a brief statement about what the data mean should be included to tie the results back to the research goal / question. Lastly, the results are connected to the next experiment that will be reported.

With your partner, use the template and prompts below, the teaching team comments from your previous homework assignments, and the helpful hints from the Comm Lab workshop to craft a data slide for your γH2AX experiment with the required elements.

  1. To get you started, find your submissions for the previous homework assignments and review the feedback you received from the teaching team.
    • You and your laboratory partner drafted an experimental schematic as a team and you each drafted a data figure individually for the γH2AX data.
  2. Create a powerpoint slide (in portrait and sized appropriately) with the experimental schematic and data figure presented as Panel A and Panel B, respectively.
  3. Revise your figures to incorporate the feedback from the homework feedback provided by the teaching team.
    • Are the labels legible?
    • Are the figures too large? Too small?
    • Are panel labels included?
    • Omit secondary titles from the individual panels and excess visual noise.
  4. Write a title for your figure using the homework submitted by each partner and the feedback from the teaching team.
    • Is the figure title a conclusive statement about what the data show?
    • Omit methods details and excess wordiness.
  5. Revise the caption text for Panel B of your figure using the homework submitted by each partner and the feedback from the teaching team.
    • Are all abbreviations and acronyms defined?
    • Is the labeling (i.e. notations for statistics) defined?
    • Omit minor technical details and interpretations of the results.
  6. Draft the caption text for Panel A of your figure.
    • Are all abbreviations and acronyms defined?
    • Are all symbols defined?
    • Is each step briefly described and are the steps connected such that the workflow is clear?
    • Omit minor technical details and in-depth descriptions of the steps.
  7. Write an introductory sentence for the caption. This sentence will be the first line of the caption and provides context for what was done / how the data were generated for the figure. The introductory sentence should be relevant to all of the panels in the figure.
  8. Write the results and interpretations section in bullet points using the prompts in the template above.
    • Is there a header that provides a conclusive message about the main finding(s) from the experiment?
    • Are the bullets concise, but coherent statements?
    • Omit technical details and excess wordiness.

Reagents list

  • agar, low melting point (from Invitrogen)
  • phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (from VWR)
  • Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (DPBS) (from Sigma)
  • alkaline lysis solution: 2.5 M NaCl, 100 mM Na2EDTA, 10 mM Tris, 1% Trition-X
  • alkaline electrophoresis solution: 0.3 M NaOH, 1 mM Na2EDTA, pH 13.5 (from Sigma)
  • neutralization buffer: 0.4 M Tris, pH 7.5 (from Sigma)
  • SYBR gold DNA stain (from ThermoFisher)

Navigation links

Next day: Image and analyze data for CometChip assay

Previous day: Complete data analysis for γH2AX experiment