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===Growth media===
# LB: 10 g Tryptone, 5 g Yeast Extract, 10 g NaCl per liter. 20g of Agar for plates. Autoclave 30 minutes with stirbar. Pour when ~55°. Let plates dry ON on bench and store in sleeves in 4°. For LB-Amp plates, add the Amp after autoclaving, once the mixture has cooled down.
# Amp: 100 mg/ml in H20. Filter and store at 4°. Use at 1:1000 in liq media. 2ml/L in plates
# Top Agar: 10 g Tryptone, 5 g Yeast Extract, 10 g NaCl, 1 g MgCl2*6H20 7 g Agar per liter. Autoclave then aliquot to 50 ml conical tubes or bottles. Store at RT. Melt in microwave in beaker of water, 2’ then keep molten in 55° water bath.

Revision as of 22:06, 27 December 2007

20.109(S08): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Home        People        Schedule Spring 2008        Assignments        Lab Basics        OWW Basics       
DNA Engineering        Protein Engineering        Biomaterials Engineering              

General notes

Plasmids used:

  • pCX-EGFP:
    • contains full-length EGFP gene
    • Amp resistant
    • f1 ori
    • SV40 ori
  • pCX-NNX:
    • a mock version of pCX-EGFP, contains no EGFP gene
    • Amp resistant
    • f1 ori
    • some altered restriction sites compared to pCX-EGFP, and SV40 ori deleted

Key preparation:

  • In case something goes wrong, spare PCR product should be prepared by TA prior to term.

Daily Notes

Day 1

Materials required:

  1. PCR Master Mix (2.5X), ~ 50 μL per group
  2. DI water, prep 100 μL aliquot per group
  3. 5 μL aliquots each of pCX-EGFP, D32N-fwd, D32N-rev
  4. 2 PCR tubes per group

Keep everything cold!

Day of Lab:

  • Lab orientation quiz (not a TA quiz) will be taken today.
  • Remember to freeze PCR products when they are ready.

Day 2

Materials required:

  1. Qiagen QIAquick PCR purification kit
    • order # 28104, 50 rxns
    • 1 rxn per group
  2. pCX-NNX, 10 μL per group
  3. NEB2 Buffer (~5 μL used per group)
  4. EcoRI and XbaI enzymes (~2 μL used per group)

Day of Lab:

  • Quiz (prepared by TA).
  • Thaw PCR products and template on ice.

Day 3

Materials required:

  1. Qiagen QIAquick gel extraction kit
    • 2 extractions per group
    • order # 28704, 50 rxns
  2. isopropanol (prep 500 μL aliquots)
  3. sterile DI water (prep 500 μL aliquots)
  4. loading dye for agarose gel electrophoresis (prep 35 μL aliquots)
  5. 1% agarose gels prepared in 0.5X TBE buffer
    • each group has 10 samples, so requires 10 wells
    • prepare 1 gel per two groups, but with 2 combs
    • also prepare 1 more gel (2 combs!), for running purified products
  6. Single-enzyme digests - may be prepared on Day 2.
    • pCX-NNX, XbaI cut only
    • pCX-NNX, EcoRI cut only
    • large (400 μL) and small (25 μL) volume reactions should be done for each of the above

Day of Lab:

  • Quiz (prepared by TA).
  • Run purified products (2 per group) on an agarose gel at the end of the day - post photograph.
  • Freeze DNA at end of day.

Day 4

Materials required:

  1. Retrieve at last minute and keep on cold rack: ligation buffer, T4 ligase
  2. 3 M sodium acetate (prep 100 μL aliquots)
  3. Yeast tRNA (prep 25 μL aliquots)
  4. Cold 100% ethanol (prep 1 mL aliquots)
  5. Cold 70% ethanol (prep 3 mL aliquots)
  6. Sterile DI water (prep 100 μL aliquots)
  7. pCX-EGFP (1 μL/50 ng per group)
  8. competent cells
    • XL1-Blue from Stratagene, cat # ?200249?
    • 1 tube per group
  9. LB+Amp plates, 5 per group + spares
    • VWR cat. #
    • may get ~ 40 plates/Liter LB
  10. LB liquid medium

Day of Lab:

  • Quiz (prepared by TA).
  • Keep reagents for ligation reactions cold, make available to students as needed.
  • Demonstrate and supervise bacterial transformation protocol.


Growth media

  1. LB: 10 g Tryptone, 5 g Yeast Extract, 10 g NaCl per liter. 20g of Agar for plates. Autoclave 30 minutes with stirbar. Pour when ~55°. Let plates dry ON on bench and store in sleeves in 4°. For LB-Amp plates, add the Amp after autoclaving, once the mixture has cooled down.
  2. Amp: 100 mg/ml in H20. Filter and store at 4°. Use at 1:1000 in liq media. 2ml/L in plates
  3. Top Agar: 10 g Tryptone, 5 g Yeast Extract, 10 g NaCl, 1 g MgCl2*6H20 7 g Agar per liter. Autoclave then aliquot to 50 ml conical tubes or bottles. Store at RT. Melt in microwave in beaker of water, 2’ then keep molten in 55° water bath.